Forty days without meat: day two

Eating vegetarian for a day reduces your ecological footprint by 11m². Doing this for 40 days means 440m² less on your footprint. Which is a small amount considering the average person living in Belgium has an ecological footprint of 8ha (or 80.000m²!) per year, (see the trend here). So let’s keep the veggie up. Today’s menu:


  • Musli with half skim milk
  • Orange juice


  • Slice of bread with cheese
  • Slice of bread with vegetarian “meatloaf” slice
  • Slice of bread with carrot pate (vegetarian martino)


  • Curried cauliflower & tatters
  • Veggie burger


  • Apple
  • Tea
  • Mandarin
  • Bread pudding
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2 Responses to Forty days without meat: day two

  1. nadege says:

    This all sounds delicious but how do you prepare the carrot pate ? or can we buy this somewhere ?
    Thanks for all the good tips ;)

    • Sade says:

      You can find the veggie martino at Delhaize, carrefour and colruyt that I know of. In the fridge area, with all the other veggie stuff.

      I’m also working on a recipe. But it’s not ready yet.

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