I saw this, and saw this, and well, here it is:
- First Name: Diana
- Were you named after anyone? If it counts, I was named after the hunting roman goddess, Diana. Mother wanted to name me Artemis (the greek goddess of hunting) but thought the roman version would give me less troubles.
- When did you last cry? Two days ago, when I went to sleep.
- Do you like your handwriting? It depends, if I’m writing a letter and have time, it’s pretty. When I’m taking notes during class, it gets slightly deformed due to the speed…
- What is your favourite lunchmeat? I don’t eat lunch meats.
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? *thinks* depends on the day? ;)
- Do you have a journal? I have this blog. For a time, a few years ago, I did have a journal for my thoughts.
- Do you still have your tonsils? Yuppers, all miiiiine my precioussss
- Would you bungee jump? Not really, no. I’m too much of a control freak.
- What is your favourite cereal? Müsli! With wild berries, with chocolate chips, with nuts, with dried fruits… Müsli!
- Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends how tired I am and how soon I want to get rid of them.
- Do you think you are strong? I’m strong. And if there has to be any breakdown, none shall see it.
- What is your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla (the real thing, no chemical flavaourings). Dark chocolate. Stracciatella. Plain cream.
- Shoe size: 41 (european).
- Red or pink? Red. Blood red.
- What is the least favourite thing about yourself? I wouldn’t know. I’ve learnt to love myself the way I am.
- Who do you miss the most? My grandparents. My boyfriend.
- Do you want everyone to send this back to you? Linky?
- What colour pants, shirt and shoes are you wearing? Dark blue jazz trousers, light blue tee with a gummy bear, and the orange flipflops are somewhere on the floor.
- Last thing you ate? Pumpkin soup, homemade rye sourdough bread and rice pudding.
- What are you listening to right now? Annoying tv that I don’t care about, family talking over it, and noise from the street. Where are my earplugs?
- If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Rainbow!
- Favourite smell: Moist earth after a storm. Cutted grass. Citrics. Baked goods.
- Who was the last person you talked with on the phone? I don’t remember, I don’t like talking on the phone that much, so I avoid it.
- The first thing you notice about people you are attracted to? Eyes. The eyes can tell you so much about someone.
- Do you like the person you stole this from? I didn’t steal it, I borrowed it.
- Favourite drink: Depends, as always. Water, wine, beer, hot chocolate.
- Favourite sport: To practice, either walking or swimming. To watch, I find most boring.
- Eye colour: Brown.
- Hat size: No idea!
- Do you wear contacts? I can’t live without them!
- Favourite food: Any of my experiments. Vegetarian.
- Scary movies or happy endings? Uhm, depends on the mood, always depends on the mood.
- Missing question goes here
- Summer or winter? Winter, rain, snow, cold, knitwear, fireplace.
- Hugs or kisses Both, from family and close friends. Otherwise, I don’t like physical contact with strangers.
- Favourite dessert Anything containing dark dark chocolate
- Who is more likely to respond? W00t?
- Least likely to respond? W00t w00t?
- What books are you reading? A text book on Electronic Engineering, and La Reina Sin Nombre, by MarÃa GudÃn.
- What’s on your mouse pad? There is no mousepad. It’s just a figment of your imagination. Seriously, I don’t have one, I use the laptop’s trackpad.
- What did you watch last night on TV? I fell asleep too early to say I watched anything on tv. However, CSI Miami and CSI NY were taped.
- Favourite sounds: Quietness. Silence.
- Rolling Stones or Beatles? Rollings, Baby! Rock n Roll.
- The furthest you’ve been from home? Italy? Scotland? Germany? I don’t know the distances…
- What’s your special talent? I make people talk about themselves. I listen.
- Where were you born? Madrid.
- Who sent this to you? As I said before, I didn’t steal this, I wasn’t sent this. I borrowed it from Kristen’s blog and from Theresa’s blog.
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I stole it right here: http://www.kcore.org/?menumain=1&entryID=92