Filler And Actual Knitting!

Two exams done, four to go. Stress? Nooo not at all.

Anyway, these days I need the hair out of my way, and plain old ponytail does not do the trick. Hair falling over the shoulder? No thanks. So I’ve taken to this:

Crown Like Hairdo Hairdo part two

Yes, comfy, completely done up and hair out of the way. Less touching it while studying too. So it doesn’t get icky in a day.

And actually knitting content. Remember that kilt hose? The one I was knitting for Jan? I had to rip it, yes. And I reknitted it all, from the beginning. And then I made the foot part a bit too long, and had to rip some more… But now, it’s in good track. See:

Kilt hose!


Now, more exams…

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