Got Plans?

I got floor plans!

I’ve been putting some time into designing the renovation of this tiny appartment that, for now, is empty. It’s not a big place, only 36sqmt (or 387.5 sq ft, for you imperial users). It’s around 5.50 m (18 ft) by 6.70 m (22 ft) with a corner cut off. Right now there are: entry hall, tiny bathroom, tiny kitchen, small living room, small dining room and two small bedrooms. My plans are tearing all the walls down, and the fake ceilings and the flooring, and then build a nice appartment with a big bathroom, a kitchen with dining area, a livingroom and a bedroom. Enough for the two of us if we want to live here.


These are the floor plans I drew. If you click on the pic, you’ll be taken to the gallery, and the pic will be bigger and can read all the notes over the picture (hoover your mouse around).

The downside, like in any renovation, is the money. Without asking for any budget, I’d say all this would cost, at least, 30,000 euros. And me, poor student, can only dream of it for now. And make lists of what is needed (with cost estimates), and file it away for when I can afford it. Anyone want to donate? I’m going to set up a sofa-bed, for guests ;-)

On other news, exams’ period starts tomorrow, at 9 am. My schedule for the next three weeks has a lot of studying time, some sleeping, and then the following exams:

  • 9:00, 30th January, Vibrations
  • 8:30, 2nd February, Mathematical Methods II
  • 17:00, 6th February, Electronics I
  • 16:00, 9th February, Solid Mechanics
  • 16:30, 14th February (Oh love day!), Fluid Mecanics
  • 9:00, 17th February (yes, a Saturday), Solid State Physics

If you don’t see me around, now you know why. Also, as any other student, I get grumpy during this period. I will be grumpy. I will react grumpy, and I will ignore some people that otherwise would get a not-too-nice reply. You’re all warned.

On the knitting front (yes, I still do knit), I have to tell that the previously ripped kilt hose is coming along again, and I hope this time fits :p

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One Response to Got Plans?

  1. Lía says:

    Tus planes de reforma suenan muy bien, aunque caros claro…quizás podrías mirar qué te cuesta hacer los nuevos tabiques en pladur, yo hice un pequeño vestidor con planchas de pladur y quedó bien con la ventaja añadida de que cuando no lo quiera sólo tengo que desatornillar las placas del suelo y a otra cosa…

    Mucha suerte en los exámenes guapa!!

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