The Mists of Avalon

One of those “just because”:

For all the Gods are one God, and all the Goddesses are one Goddess, and there is only one Inititator. And to every man his own truth, and the God within.

Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Mists of Avalon


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3 Responses to The Mists of Avalon

  1. Lia says:

    Oh! I love that book so much!! since I read it I’ve never tried again with Camelot classics stories, because look like so fake.

  2. Sade says:

    Hi Lia! I am liking the book a lot too. I’ve read many titles around the arthuric myths, because I’ve always enjoyed them, and I like comparing. This one is getting deep under my skin so far. I like the ambient Zimmer created by mixing the omniscient narrator with parts where Morgan speaks her point of view.

  3. Lia says:

    One of the things I like the most it’s how she explains the transtion betwen paganism and christianity.

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