I’ve got very good news! I’ve got a job! I will be web-designing for a department, and doing a bilingual site for them (helping them getting into the 21st Century). That means I’ll be slightly more busy – in the mornings work and class, evening study at home and trying to knit after dinner.
Mum finished another two pair of socks, one in green for herself (no pic) and another clown-colourful pair for me, with shorter calf. So with 100gr she’ll be able to make a short calf pair and an ankle pair for me, that I really don’t like high socks unless I’m wearing boots.
And a pic of the lovely roses we have at home this week:
My baby blanket is coming along nicely, tho slowly due to the amount of stitches, so the pic is about the same as last time.
Lovely socks!!!
congratulations, how will you make it? common HTML?
The site will be done in php / html / css. No flash, or java, or any other thing like that – they also want it simple
Congratulations Sade!! be patient with the blanket…and when you get too despair think of my 375 stitches, jeje, I’ve cast them on three times already!!