I’ve been sick…

I’ve been sick for a couple of days already. Nothing too serious, just a nice flu/cold, with sneezing feasts and runny nose and fever (me and fever don’t get along well… the slightlest fever makes me feel really sick *sigh*). Anyway, I’m on my way to recovering! Which is fast and good news, this would take me usually a week.

I knit some too. The scarf is already 150cm long, and it will be around 180cm long (at least) so I have around 83% done (yay!) – considering this scarf will cross the ocean to get to its new home, I wanted to be pretty on time. You never know how long it will take to ship or if it’ll get delayed or anything. I’ll post a pic when it’s done!

Oh, and since tomorrow is a holiday (WEE!) I will start sewing my tote bag and needle case (self design – using Ikea’s fabrics, makes it very cheap) and some new courtains that need to be cut shorter. And of course, more knitting! And still waiting for my needles.. hope they get here this week… they should…

-update- the needles arrived today too… but they’re too short! I wonder how someone can knit a double knit blanket that is about 70cm wide with 60cm long (from tip to tip) circulars! I can’t! The fabric just won’t compress that much, it has twice as much stitches… I guess I should have thought of it before, but well, I trusted the pattern :( So I’ll exchange them *sob*


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4 Responses to I’ve been sick…

  1. Lia says:

    Yo tejí el año pasado un poncho tremendo en unas agujas de 40 cm. (rectas), no te creas que caben más puntos de lo que parece…eso sí seguramente no será tan cómodo para tejer pues los puntos estarán apretadillos. Buena suerte y ánimo!!

  2. Sade says:

    El problema es que haciendo la muestra, los puntos no se aprietan en la manta! Así que, para hacer una mantita de unos 15cm, aquello ocupaba los 15cm. Prefiero esperar un par de semanas más y tener unas agujas con las que voy a tejer más cómoda que pelearme con ellas y además preocuparme porque se salgan los puntos cuando lo dejo. Lo que no sé es que voy a hacer mientras tanto!

  3. Lia says:

    je,je yo tengo tantos proyectos en mente que lo que no sé es por dónde empezar. En esta página (www.knittingpatterncentral.com) puedes encontrar cientos de proyectos para matar el tiempo hasta que lleguen las agujas ;)

  4. Lieve says:

    I used to make bags too, for An. I made them out of old jeanstrousers and decorated them with wooden pearls

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