So, today is my very last day of vacation, of the one week I’ve had after september exams. That’s a whopping whole one week of true vacation, without having to study or worry about exams or anything like that. On the last day of vacation, I decided to prepare a few meals that would only need to heat up or bake in the oven right out of the freezer.
The morning started killing a pumpkin and roasting it in the oven, then boiling and roasting its seeds with a bit of oil, worcestershire sauce and salt (mjummy!). Meanwhile lunch was cooking: a pot of lentils with onion, garlic, courgette and tomato, to which I added part of the roasted pumpkin at the end.
After lunch, I made a no roll pie crust, and a pumpkin pie filling, and baked it. Meanwhile (multitasking is your friend) I made lasagna with: onion, carrot, courgette, aubergine, blue foot and shiitake mushrooms, tomato and seitan, and assembled three of them with pasta and white sauce.
The only pic of all the cooking is this of the pumpkin pie (my first ever) right out of the oven:
Tomorrow, classes start at 8.30 *sigh* And I still don’t know in which courses I will enrole, so for the first week or so I’ll attend all of them and see which I like better for this semester. Wish me luck!
On the knitting end, the turkish stitch string bag is nearly finished, after having had to rip it off completely when I was a strap from the end. Just need to sew the ends in, and voi-là ! Sorry, no pic yet :)