Been RAK’ed(!)

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeh! *happy* I’ve been RAK’ed – that is, I’ve been the objet of a Random Act of Kindness. I “signed up” for this at the Knitty Board, it’s a thread where you put your wishes, and if someone can and wants, sends you some thingies. Anyway, I want to thank Amy (sorry, don’t know your site addy, if you have one, and read this, please tell me!) for all the pressies you sent me. And since we know it, here come the pics:

knitpicks yarn! peppermint patties
recipes card

Love. It. All.

Thanks so much again, Amy.


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4 Responses to Been RAK’ed(!)

  1. Lía says:

    You, lucky girl!!

  2. hey sade, i just read your archives and i am jealous. you have linen fabric! linen is nearly impossible to find and expensive in the states. i just thought i’d mention that, but i really just wanted to comment.

  3. karrie says:

    Hello Sade,

    I am moving my knitting blog to wordpress and i found your blog because of your webring plug-in. You have the nicest progress bars that I have seen! Would you be willing to share how you did that?



  4. Sade says:

    Oh yes, I’m feeling so lucky, Lía, you wouldn’t believe it! *happy jumping around the house*

    String, it was a mere luck hit on the fabric as well, I happened to enter a shop that I didn’t think would have linen, but they had, and cheap!

    Karrie, I am using the plugin by scapermoon that you can find here: . Enjoy your new WP blog!

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