It’s My Birthday!

Yes, I am a year older, who would say, eh? I’m still as silly and childish and playful as a kid!


“Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee
Happy Birthday dear meeeeeeee
Happy Birthday oh Yes!”

(a little egocentrism on *my* day doesn’t hurt, does it? :p)

You can pass by and get a piece of cake and a pot of hot chocolate to celebrate!


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8 Responses to It’s My Birthday!

  1. Jan says:

    Hmm. No comment on the kiddy part :P

    But really, a very happy birthday hun, and may your hopes and dreams for now and the future come true, be them small, big, silly or serious.

  2. Lieve says:

    good, i don’t like a serious or grumbling daughter-in-law – may the evening be lovely, funny and gay

  3. betty says:

    Congratulations! :)
    Tomorrow is my saint’s day! I shouldn’t forget your birthday from now on! ;)

  4. Sade says:

    Thank you all! :)

  5. Felicidades!! Me alegro de que te hayan dado tantos regalos, te los mereces de sobra ^^ Espero que te haya gustado mi dibujo, aunque como has leido lo ire actualizando =)

    Un besazo!

  6. Nairta says:

    Felicidades!! Lástima que haya llegado un poquillo tarde, para el próximo año intentaré llegar a tiempo ^^U

  7. Sade says:

    Gracias a los dos :)

    Nairta, no te preocupes, lo que cuenta es llegar (cuando sea) ;p

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